Set out below are some of our most frequently asked questions.

Q. Can I have visitors?
A.Yes, visitors are welcome at all times day or night.

Q. Can my family or friends take me out?
A. Yes, friends and family are encouraged to take you out as and when you wish.

Q. Can I keep my doctor?
A. Yes, if your doctor covers the area that Bradstowe Lodge is in.
If not, you can easily be signed up with a local doctor of your choice.

Q. Can I administer my own medication?
A. Yes, but we have to record all medication on the premises and the
medicines must at all times be kept locked away.

Q. What time do I get up and go to bed?
A. It is your choice when you go to bed and get up.

Q. Where can I spend time with guests?
A. You can take guests into your personal room, the lounge areas,
or to the residents quiet room.

Q. Does a chiropodist visit the home?
A. Yes, every six weeks, but we will call one in before then if you have a need.

Q. What happens to my washing?
A. Our laundry people wash and iron all clothes on the premises.
It is appreciated if clothes are labeled before they come into the home.

Q. Can I have a daily newspaper?
A. Yes, we will order it for you.

Q. Can I go to church?
A. Yes, providing transport can be arranged for you.
There is a priest who visits to give Holy Communion.

Q. May I smoke?
A. Bradstowe operates a non smoking policy in the Home
but there is a dedicated smoking area outside.

Q. Are pets allowed in the home?
A. We are unable to have personal pets in the home
but happy for visitors to bring them in to visit.

Q. What items do I have to pay for?
A. Your full board accommodation and services of the home and its staff are
included in the fee.You will meet the costs of privately requested services
and goods such as transport, newspapers, hairdressing, chiropody,
personal supplies of toiletries, make-up, etc.